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Administrator Meetings 2017-2018

                        December 2017


Literacy for Content Area Teachers (grades 6-12) 2017-2018

                       Grade Band K-2 Teachers

                       Grade Band Networking for 3-6 Teachers

                        Literacy for Content Teachers - (grades 6-12) 2017-2018

                        Literacy for Content Teacher - (grades 6-12)

                        English Language Learners and Title III Consortium


Below please find our LiveBinder for our ELA Networking meetings:

                        ELA LiveBinder (grades (PreK-5) 2017/2018

ELA LiveBinder (grades PreK-5) 2016/2017

ELA LiveBinder (grades 6-12) 2016/2017



Courses of Study  (Includes Extended Content Standards)

Professional Development    

ODE'S "New" Tools for Teachers Site (Enroll today!)

FIP - Information and Handbook (May 23, 2013)


Valuable Report Card Resources (Posted:  January 08, 2014)

Ohio’s Early Learning and Development Standards (Posted:  November 1, 2012)

     Timeline for Implementation 

                  • Programs and teachers become familiar with the new standards. 
                  • Professional development is designed and deployed to support implementation of the new standards.
                  • Model curricula and other supports are developed by partner state agencies. 
                  • Standards-Curriculum-Assessment-Alignment (SCA-A) Tool and accompanying professional development is
                         created by partner state agencies.
                  • Early childhood programs align adopted curriculum to the new standards using revised SCA-A Tool. 
                  • New standards in all domains are integrated into early childhood programs.
                  • On-going professional development is available to support implementation. 


New Way to Determine Kindergarten Readiness Coming Fall 2014


Senate Bill 165 - Historical Documents Bill


Student Learning Objectives (SLOs)


Ohio Teacher Evaluation System (OTES)


Third Grade Reading Guarantee

3rd Grade Reading OAA Alternative List (March 13, 2014)

The OAA Alternative is a standardized assessment(s) for reading determined by the Ohio Department of Education for the Third Grade Reading Guarantee. It allows a third grade student to take and demonstrate an acceptable level of reading performance for promotion to the fourth grade. 

These tests will be at the districts' expense.  The level of achievement on these tests will be decided by the vendor and not ODE.  If a district is using or plans to use one of these instruments, the district must consult with the vendor as to what the score will be to equate with the 392 promotion score on the OAA.  These tests can be given at any time during the 3rd grade year, but the scores from these tests will not be used for reporting results on the LRC. Only the fall and spring OAA administrations will be reported on the LRC.  Districts will now be able to offer students four options for promotion to the 4th grade as determined by reading scores:  Fall OAA, Spring OAA, Alternate Assessment and Summer OAA.

A student may only be promoted to the fourth grade based on their acceptable level of performance on the alternative standardized assessment if they did not earn a 392 or higher on the fall or spring third grade reading Ohio Achievement Assessment (OAA).  

Sub.S.B.21 alters HB555(effective March 22, 2013) (3/05/2013)

New ODE Interpretation Guideline Manual for Third Grade Reading Guarantee (8-22-13)      Manual
Third Grade Reading Guarantee Update - June 2013 (June 6, 2013) August 14, 22013 The Ohio General Assembly made changes in Senate Bill 21 to the Reading Guarantee. The Ohio Department of Education will distribute detailed guidance on these changes by the end of this month, June 2013. This document outlines the major changes made.
Teachers Qualifications Students entering third grade for the first time on or after July 1, 2013, who have been retained or are on a reading improvement plan must have a teacher with at least one year of teaching experience.
Additionally, the teacher must meet one of the following qualifications required in law:
•  Holds a reading endorsement on the teacher’s license; •  Completed a master’s degree with a major in reading; •  Has “above expected” rating for value added in reading instruction for the most recent, consecutive two school years; •  Earned a passing score on a rigorous test of principles of scientifically research-based reading instruction to be qualified for    the 2014-2015 school year; •  New - Rated “most effective” for reading instruction consecutively for the most recent two years based on approved    assessments of student growth; •  New - Holds an alternative credential approved by the department or has successfully completed a department-approved    training for reading instruction; or •  New - Holds an educator license for teaching grades pre K-3 issued on or after July 1, 2017.

A teacher, other than the student’s teacher of record, may provide any service required by the guarantee. This teacher must have the qualification requirements and the approval of the teacher of record, who is the student’s classroom teacher, and the school principal.

The State Board of Education will develop reading competencies that will inform all reading credentials, training and teacher preparation by January 31, 2014.

Beginning July, 1, 2017, all educators licensed for grades pre-K-3 or 4-9 will pass a rigorous exam of reading instruction identified by the department.

(Please be advised:  100% of ALL K-3 students must be tested in regards to the Third-Grade Reading Guarantee.  This mandate includes district students who may be at special education facilities.) 

Diagnostic Assessments - August 14, 2013

NEW – The new ODE Diagnostic Assessments are available for the 2013-2014 school year.

The primary purpose of Ohio’s Diagnostic Assessments, which are aligned to Ohio’s New Learning Standards, is to provide a tool to check the progress of students toward meeting the standards. The Ohio Diagnostic Assessments were developed in two formats:

• Screener:  measures beginning year skills • Full Measure:  measures end-of-year skills

Based on the Third Grade Reading Guarantee, districts/schools must administer a reading diagnostic assessment to all students in kindergarten through grade three by September 30 of each school year to meet the requirements of the Third Grade Reading Guarantee. ODE recommends using the reading Screener to meet the September 30th deadline.

Districts/schools must administer a mathematics diagnostic assessment to all students in grades one and two, and a writing diagnostic assessment to all students in grades one, two, and three at least once during the school year. All results must be reported in the EMIS end-of-year data collection.

Student results will be reported as on-track and not on-track. Please check at the end of each score sheet for the number of points to determine the on-track/not-on track result.

Please print the diagnostics you would like to administer in 2013-14. The Ohio Department of Education will not distribute diagnostic kits.

State Board sets cut scores:  2012-2013 school year a cut score of 390 on the OAA English Language Arts test; 2013-2014 cut score moves to 392; and will reach proficiency of 400 points the following year.  Cut scores will determine which third graders maybe retained. (September 11, 2012)

Resources for Educators (August 14, 2013)
Resources for Families (August 14, 2013)      
Approved List of Research-Based Reading Instruction Programs (August 14, 2013)    



Adjunct University Application -- Ashland University Adjunct Workshop Proposal -- Ashland University Local Report Card Delays FAQ  Homeless Informational Update FY13 (Sept. 13, 2012) 

SB316 New/Eliminated Responsibilities/Permissions for School Districts and Community Schools (Sept. 5, 2012)

Higher Expectations for a Brighter Future: Ohio's New Learning Standards (YouTube Video) Communicating with Parents:
What New Education Standards Mean for Our School
Ohio's New K-12 Education Standards - What parents and Guardians Should Know (Fact Sheet)
Common Core Standards Guides for Parents - By Grade and Subject    

Communicating with Teachers - about Ohio's New Learning Standards . . . 
Messages for Teachers about Ohio's New Learning Standards (A Tip Sheet for Principals)          
Key Shifts in ELA         
Key Shifts in Mathematics         
Asked Questions about Ohio's new Science Standards          

Videos on Common Core Implementation (YouTube Videos)         
More ODE Web Resources on Ohio's New Learning Standards    

About the Ohio Teacher Evaluation System . . .     
Messages for Teachers about Ohio's Teacher Evaluation System (A Tip Sheet for Principals)         
Ohio Teacher Evaluation System:  Facts vs. Myths         
Whiteboard overview of the Ohio Teacher Evaluation System            
Ohio's Teacher Evaluation System (YouTube Video)            
Teacher Performance in Evaluation - How Will This Work? (YouTube Video)              
Student Growth Measures in Evaluation - How Will This Work?  (YouTube Video)             
Teacher Ratings in Evaluation - How Will These Be Used? (YouTube Video)             
More ODE Web Resources on Ohio's Teacher Evaluation System         
SB 316 Legislative Impact on Ohio's Teacher Evaluation System

About Ohio's Third Grade Reading Guarantee . . . (see above too!)     
Ohio's Third Grade Reading Guarantee:  What Teachers Should Know     

New Four Year Adjustec Cohort Graduation Rate     
New/Legacy Cohort Graduation Rate Calculation        
State Disaggregated Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rates  

Ohio Principal Evaluation System (OPES): (Credentialing now required for OPES.  Tri-County ESC will offer this 1/2-day training on November 6, 2012) 
Materials Presented During OPES Training       
Evaluation of Principals         
Ohio Principal Evaluation System (OPES) Model          
Ohio Principal Evaluation System (OPES) Resources        
Model Board Policy          
Ohio Teacher Framework               



Educational Consulting Specializations

General Education

Fine Arts

Gifted and Talented

Instructional Technology

Additional Links and Resources



Praxis Test Site

Contact:  Judy Kestner ext. 265 ( or Debbie Stoler ext. 270 (



Short On-Line Courses (Click Here)

These courses from the Master Teacher Paraeducator Learning Network are designed for paraeducators, but are excellent resources for basic or introductory information in many content areas.  While the user may print certificates of course completion with a passing score on post tests, any use for IPDP purposes would require approval by the employer's LPDC.

Content Area: 

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