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Application Process

Admission Guidelines

    3.20 GPA (on a 4-point equivalent scale)

    Complete the following classes by the end of grade 10:

  •         2 credits of English
  •         2 credits of Science (usually Physical and Life/Biology)
  •         2 credits of Spanish or French (A lower level of Spanish is offered for those who have had
                  fewer than two years or have previously taken German)
  •         Completion of Math classes including the equivalent of Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II.
  •         Complete 1, and preferably 2, Social Studies credits

    No serious discipline problems (e.g., no expulsions or 5+ day out-of-school suspensions)

    Good attendance

    Three positive teacher recommendations

    Good writing skills, the ability to think and analyze, and computer skills

Students may have an opportunity to meet with the Admissions Committee to make the case for admission, if the above guidelines are not met.

    These items are not requirements for admission, but may be required for graduation from your home school and are not offered at the academy:

  •         Phys. Ed. and Health requirements
  •         Other home school district graduation requirements that are outside the areas of English, Math,
                 Science, and Social Studies, such as elective requirements.

Foreign Language – Spanish and French foreign language studies are offered at this time. Students with a German or other language background will have the opportunity to start Spanish or French at the beginner level. Language offerings are reviewed annually based on strength of strength interest and availability of instructors.

This is a list of guidelines for predicting the likelihood of student success and not a list of absolute requirements. However, the further a student is from meeting these guidelines, the more difficult it will be for the student to be successful and it is less likely the student would be initially accepted to the academy.

Diploma Program Application Process

Student / Parent:

2023-2024 Application Packet (.pdf) (.doc)

  • Student Application
  • Course Election Sheet
  • Letter of Understanding
  • Admissions Essay Guide

Parent / School Staff:

Important Dates: (tentative)

December 13, 2022            IB Parent/Student Information night (Wooster High School [LGIR])
January/February 2023       Student - Visitation to IB (Wooster High School)
February 28, 2023              Application Deadline
May 2023                          Meet & Greet (LGIR - second floor) at 6:30 p.m.

We will begin our first round of application reviews on March 2023 but may continue to receive applications as long as space permits.

The following materials are to be submitted for consideration of admittance:

  • Student Information Form (2 pages)
  • Signed Letter of Understanding which outlines key program expectations
  • Admissions Essay demonstrating the student’s writing ability
  • Home School Information Form to be first signed by a parent, then submitted to your guidance office
    for completion*
  • 3 letters of recommendation from members of your high school faculty.
    • One letter from a teacher of Math
    • One letter from a teacher of English
    • One letter from a teacher of either:  Science/Social Studies or Foreign Language

The application period for students currently in grade 10 (beginning in the Fall as juniors) will begin in January. The beginning of grade 11 is the only entry point for the IB Diploma program.

Information and application packets can be obtained from this website, your guidance counselor, or by contacting:

Victoria Birk, IB Coordinator
Phone: 330-345-4000 Ext. 3224


Debbie Stoler, Administrative Assistant
Phone:  330-345-6771 Ext. 270

Visit the International Baccalaureate website: - Frequently Asked Questions

For responses to common questions about the Tri-County International Academy, visit the Frequently Asked Questions guide.

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