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Tri-County International Academy is a collaborative effort between Tri-County Educational Service Center and school districts in Ashland, Holmes, and Wayne counties to provide a high-quality option for students seeking a rigorous college-prep educational experience. Currently 13 of the 16 school districts in the tri-county area are a part of this consortium effort. Districts can choose to enter at anytime, making this program available to virtually any public school student. It is the collaboration between districts that makes sufficient levels of enrollment and funding possible.

Students of the Academy will complete the two-year International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. The Academy was granted authorization through the International Baccalaureate Organization in May of 2006 and began serving its first group of students in the fall of 2006. The Tri-County International Academy is located in Wooster High School as a school within a school, having its own structure and staff. The Academy follows the Wooster City Schools’ calendar for days in session.

Students remain members of their home school district while enrolled in the Academy and many students find the schedule allows them to return to their home school for the final period of the day to participate in electives, and co-curricular and extracurricular options (e.g., band, organizations, sports, etc.).
The Diploma Programme

The IB Diploma Programme is intended as the basic academic program for students in their junior and senior years. Students must enter in the beginning of their junior year and remain committed to the program through the end of their senior year.

Upon completion of the program, students graduate from their home school with its diploma. The Academy’s coordinator works with students and home schools to make sure all of the home school graduation requirements are met. The International Baccalaureate Diploma is in addition to the local school diploma. It is usually awarded in July following graduation. End of year IB examinations are scored by the IBO and students must do well enough to qualify.

The Tri-County International Academy is administered by Tri-County Educational Service Center. An elected Board governs the ESC, and it operates educational programs under a charter from the state of Ohio. Daily operations are overseen by the Academy’s Coordinator and Head-of-School. Course instructors are skilled educators from local schools and higher education institutions.

Funding for the Academy comes from district-paid student tuition fees and through the support of private donors. Development of the program was made possible by the significant financial contributions of LuK USA.

For more information on program requirements and guidelines for admissions, please visit the Future Students section.

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