Are you up for an academic Challenge? Do you want to position yourself to be attractive to colleges? Are you interested in being around other intellectually curious students? Would you like to earn college credit for your classes you take in high school?
If so, the IB program might be for you!! Tri-County International Academy's International Baccalaureate (IB) program is a two-year program that offers juniors and seniors a challenging, college-prep curriculum. An IB education provides a competitive advantage with the college application process and preparation for collegiate-level classes. College-bound sophomores in Ashland, Holmes, and Wayne counties are eligible for enrollment for their junior and senior years.
For more information, contact Victoria Birk at or 330-345-4000, etc. 3224. Check us out on Instagram@ibtcia, Twitter@tri_countyIB, and Facebook @tricountyacademy.
IB Student gets creative and positive, diverse books end up in classrooms
Please join us for our informational meeting for parents and students interested in learning more about the
Tri-County International Academy IB program. Hear from current students, parents, and college admissions representatives about the benefits of the IB program.
IB Information Night:
Date/Time: December 13, 2022 at 7:00 pm
Location: Wooster High School (LGIR)
Contact: Victoria Birk for more information
330-345-4000 ext. 3224
Daily Record Article: International Baccalaureate Information Night (Tuesday, December 13, 2022) at Wooster High School
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