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Congratulations IB 2020 Seniors

Tri-County International Academy is proud to honor the 21 IB graduates for the class of 2020!  We wish them the best as they begin the next chapter of their lives.


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Senior Exam Schedule – May 2022

The IB Senior Exam Schedule for May 2022 has been received by IB.

Click here to view the exam schedule.

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Check-Out Tri-County International Academy on Social Media!

Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Google!  See what they are doing.  Click Read More for the links.
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Spreading the Word to Ashland, Wayne, and Holmes Students

More Students Becoming Interested in IB Program.

Staff Report Writer Published:  December 20, 2020
          > Tri-County International Academy Program Going Strong

By LINDA HALL Staff Writer Published:  December 14, 2018 12:01AM
          > International Baccalaureate Program holding steady

By LINDA HALL Staff Writer Published: February 16, 2014 4:00AM
          > WOOSTER -- Recruitment has been going well for next year's International Baccalaureat class

By LINDA HALL Staff Writer Published:  February 16, 2014 4:00AM
          > International Baccalaureate Targeted At Most Motivated


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Application Process

Admission Guidelines

    3.20 GPA (on a 4-point equivalent scale)

    Complete the following classes by the end of grade 10:

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Mrs. Victoria Birk

Academy Director
IB Diploma Program Coordinator, CAS Coordinator
330-345-4000 ext. 3224

Mr. Scott Musser

Interim Head-of-School
330-345-4000 ext. 3004 

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Why Colleges Select IB Graduates

“IB is well known to us as excellent preparation.  Success in an IB program correlates well with success at Harvard.  We are always pleased to see the credentials of the IB Diploma Programme on the transcript.”

Marilyn McGraff Lewis
Assistant Dean of Admissions
Harvard University

“We have found these (IB) students to be excellent additions to the Notre Dame community.  Both in the classroom and in campus life, they have demonstrated their ability to be active leaders.”

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Future Student FAQs

Q. Who can attend the Tri-County International Academy?

A. The IB Diploma Programme is intended as the basic academic program for students in their junior and senior years. Students must enter in the beginning of their junior year and remain committed to the program through the end of their senior year. The nature of the program requires two years and does not make it possible for students to begin in their senior year.

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The College Prep Choice

How does IB differ from other college prep options offered in the tri-county area, such as Advanced Placement (AP), and CCP (College Credit Plus)

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