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Congratulations IB 2020 Seniors

Tri-County International Academy is proud to honor the 21 IB graduates for the class of 2020!  We wish them the best as they begin the next chapter of their lives.


Lisa Cunningham                    Ashland High School
Andrea Esselburn                   Triway High School
Henry Gamble                         Wooster High School
Evan Hashem                         Wooster High School
Vansh Khatri                           Triway High School
Clara Lee                                Wooster High School
Melina Mera                            Wooster High School
Elizabeth Meyer                      Wooster High School
Evan Miller                              Wooster High School
Zachary Miller                         Triway High School
Anna Munro                            Wooster High School
Brian Nguyen                          Wooster High School
Emma Oberlin                        Smithville High School
Emilie Oswald                         Wooster High School
Zella Papp                               Wooster High School
Sydney Questel                       Wooster High School
Carrie Rowe                            Wooster High School
Laura Slabaugh                       Ashland High School
Anne Straits                             Hiland High School
Hannah Watson                      Wooster High School
Sydney Wright                         Wooster High School 

Congratulations to the IB Scholars of 2020!

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