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Professional Development

Tri-County ESC offers professional development in a broad range of disciplines and specializations through face-to-face, online, and blended events and options. The ESC also partners with a number of outside professional development partners to offer an even greater number of professional learning options.

Online Professional Development Partners
PBS: TeacherLine
Western Reserve Public Media

Online Short Courses (CEU credit subject to LPDC determination)
Over 100 excellent on-line short courses provide convenient brush-up of knowledge and skills with minimal time and expense.  These range from special education (i.e.: Autism and Asperger's Syndrome) to knowledge and skills in most subject areas.
On-Line Short Course Catalog
On-Line Short Course Registration
Physical Education Evaluation Training Schedule (September 20, October 1 and October 12)

LPDC Forms
Tri-County ESC Employee LPDC Handbook
Record of Participation - Please print and fill this out to turn in to your LPDC after completing a course.
Safety Training (required annual safety training for school personnel)
Ohio now requires annual safety training for all school employees under the Public School Employer's Risk Reduction Program (the public services counterpart to OSHA standards).  A little attention given to accident prevention can save a lot of dollars in BWC rates, lost time and productivity.
TCESC makes an On-line Training Program, which includes the following topics available to interested public employers at a nominal fee:

  • PERRP Goals and Objectives
  • Safety Planning and Procedures
  • School Environment Accidents
  • Accident Reporting and Analysis (including "close calls")
  • Employees Responsibilities
  • Emergency Evacuation
  • Safety in the Workplace (including Safety Data Sheets and GHS)
  • Tips for a healthier Existence
  • Blood Bourne Pathogens
  • The National Terrorism Advisory System
  • Fire Extinguisher Instruction

For more information contact Kris (330) 345-6771 ext. 232.

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