Language Arts Course of Study - (2011)
Language Arts - Extended Content Standards
Language Arts Course of Study - (Fall 2007) *will remain until 2014-2015 school year when new assessments are implemented
Mathematics Course of Study - (2011)
Mathematics - Extended Content Standards
Mathematics Course of Study - (Fall 2008) *will remain until 2014-2015 school year when new assessments are implemented
Industrial Arts Course of Study - (Spring 2009)
Business Education Course of Study - (Fall 2009)
Family and Consumer Science Course of Study - (Fall 2009)
Science Course of Study - (2011)
Science - Extended Content Standards
Physical Education Course of Study - (2006)
Social Studies Course of Study - (2011)
Social Studies - Extended Content Standards
World Lanuguage Course of Study (2012)
Foreign Language Course of Study - (2005)
Health Course of Study - (Fall 2011)
Content Standards (2012):
K-12 Music Checklist (2012)
Music Grades K - 2
Music Grades 3 - 5
Music Grades 6 - 8
Music Grades 9 - 12 (HS)
Content Standards (2012):
K-12 Visual Arts Checklist (2012)
Visual Arts Grades K - 2
Visual Arts Grades 3 - 5
Visual Arts Grades 6 - 8
Visual Arts Grades 9 - 12 (HS)
Dance Grades K - 2
Dance Grades 3 - 5
Dance Grades 6 - 8
Dance Grades 9 - 12 (HS)
Drama/Theatre Grades K - 2
Drama/Theatre Grades 3 - 5
Drama/Theatre Grades 6 - 8
Drama/Threatre Grades 9 - 12 (HS)
Tech Power Indicators
Power Indicators Subset K-2
Power Indicators Subset 3-5
Tech Power Indicators 6-12
Power Indicators Subset 6-8
Power Indicators Subset 9-12
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