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Gifted and Talented


Tri-County ESC Gifted Enrichment Programs for Students

The Tri-County Educational Service Center (ESC) has a pyramid of direct services for students in grades one through twelve.  The services range from enrichment programs with broad curriculum content in the arts, math, science, social studies, language arts and technology.  High school educational option credit courses are offered with an intense curriculum focus and in-depth field experience.  These programs have been developed in collaboration with teachers, administrators, parents and community members to formulate unique enrichment opportunities.

A list of the Gifted Services for Tri-County School Districts

- Regular Classrooms (early entrance, grade acceleration, cluster
  grouping, mentorship)
- Resource Rooms
- Self-contained Classrooms
- Advanced Placement Courses
- Post-Secondary Enrollment Options
- Honor Classes
- Educational Options
- Mentorships
- Gifted Identification Process
- EMIS Data Reporting
- Intervention support for teachers and students
- Coordinates professional development for teachers and  administrators
- Provide resources for standard-based curriculum
- Coordinates written educational plans with their schools
- Provides state updates and annual reports
- Gifted Program Audits



Gifted and Enrichment Websites

Ohio Department of Education - Gifted and Talented
 (search under Gifted Education)

Ohio Association for Gifted Children

National Association for Gifted Children   


Tri-County ESC Gifted and Talented Contacts

Kris Pipes-Perone, Director of Curriculum & Instruction

Dr. Michelle Muro, Fine Arts Coordinator

Andrew Johnson, Gifted and Talented Coordinator



Making the Global Connection (.ppt)

Programs and Events

High School and Junior High School Academic Challenge

Enrichment Academy

Marine Biology

Math Enrichment Day

Presidential Policies Course

Summer Enrichment and Exploration Program(s)  

Spelling Bee

Western Field Studies

Young Authors' Conference

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