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Future Student FAQs

Q. Who can attend the Tri-County International Academy?

A. The IB Diploma Programme is intended as the basic academic program for students in their junior and senior years. Students must enter in the beginning of their junior year and remain committed to the program through the end of their senior year. The nature of the program requires two years and does not make it possible for students to begin in their senior year.

Currently 14 of the 17 school districts in the tri-county area are a part of this consortium effort. Those districts which are not a part can choose to enter at anytime, making this program available to virtually any public school student in the area.

Q. How do students become a part of the Academy?

A. Upon receiving a student’s application to the academy, contacts are made with the student and his/her teachers and guidance counselor in order to assess the student’s readiness for the program. After all of the needed information is collected, the student’s completed application is reviewed by an admissions committee consisting of teachers, administrators, and guidance personal from the academy.

There are admission guidelines that detail what prerequisites are needed.

Q. Where is the Academy located?

A. The Tri-County International Academy is located in Wooster High School as a school within a school, having its own structure and staff. Students are required to provide their own transportation. The Academy follows the Wooster City Schools’ calendar for days in session.

Q. Do I have to give up being a part of my home school?

A. Being a student in the Academy is not the same as open enrollment. The local schools are contracting with the Academy to provide educational service. Even though you are in a different location, it is a service provided by your school. As such, you remain a member of your home school. Most students will find the schedule would allow them to return to their home school for the final period of the day to participate in an elective, i.e., band if offered at the end of the day. (This is an option, but by no means a requirement.) Additionally, students remain members of their home school for things such as extra-curricular, organization, sports, graduation, etc. All students will have adequate time to return to their home schools for the start of after school practices and events.

Q. What happens if I don’t think the Academy is the right place for me?

A. The Academy will not stand in the way of a student returning to his or her home school at any time. However, return to a home school will be governed by what the home school allows. Typically re-entry is permitted at semester or year-end. Usually re-entry is allowed the first couple weeks of the year or semester. Check with your home school to see what is permitted.

Q. What about graduation and diplomas?

A. You will be graduating from your home school with its diploma. The Academy coordinator will work with you and your home school to make sure you complete all of your home school graduation requirements. The International Baccalaureate Diploma is in addition to your local school diploma. It is usually awarded in July following graduation. End of year IB examinations need to be scored by the IBO and students need to do well enough to quality.

Q. Who operates the Academy?

A. The Academy is operated by the Tri-County Educational Service Center (ESC). The Tri-County ESC serves Ashland, Holmes, and Wayne counties. An elected Board governs the ESC, and it operates educational programs under a charter from the State of Ohio. The Academy is intended as a service to all public school districts in the tri-county area to bring a high quality option for highly-motivated  students.

Q. Why a separate Academy?

A. No single school in the tri-county area likely has enough potential students for an IB programme to financially justify the resources needed to operate such a program. It would be impossible for small schools to open a program. If a larger school started a program, it would be open only to students in that district or students who open enroll to that district and give up their home school affiliation.


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