Bandarama is a marching band festival with individual band performances and a guest band. It is designed to show the public the musical and marching strides of the area band programs and that instrumental music is a vital part of our public school curriculum.
2017 - 2018 Wayne County Bandarama was held on September 30, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.
Location: Triway Stadium
Bandarama Show - photo (Chippewa Local Schools - Chippewa High School)
Bandarama Show - photo (Dalton Local Schools - Dalton High School)
Bandarama Show - photo (Norwayne Local Schools - Norwayne High School)
Bandarama Show - photo (Northwestern Local Schools - Northwestern High School)
Bandarama Show - photo (Orrville City Schools - Orrville High School)
Bandarama Show - photo (Rittman ESV - Rittman High School)
Bandarama Show - photo (Green Local Schools - Smithville High School)
Bandarama Show - photo (Southeast Local Schools - Waynedale High School)
Bandarama Show - photo (Triway Local Schools - Triway High School)
For more information/details please contact:
Dr. Michelle Muro, Fine Arts Consultant
330-345-6771 ext. 253, or
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