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Social Studies - Extended Content Standards

Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities (PowerPoint)    
Frequently Asked Questions   


Grade Level Extended Standards:

     Grade K through Grade 2:  History (HIS)     
Geography (GEO)    
                                                      Government (GVT)   
                                                      Economics (ECON)    
     Grade 3 through Grade 5:  History (HIS)    
                                                      Geography (GEO)   
                                                      Government (GVT)   
                                                      Economics (ECON)    

     Grade 6 through Grade 8:  History (HIS)    
                                                      Geography (GEO)    
                                                      Government (GVT)     
                                                      Economics (ECON)    

     High School American History (AMH)   
     High School American Government (AMG)    
     High School Modern World History (MWH)
     High School Economics and Financial Literacy (EFL)    
     High School Contemporary World Issues (CWI)    
     High School World Geography (WGEO) 

Content Area: 

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