Powerful Online Professional Development Courses
To further serve our districts with a variety of quality professional development, the Tri-County ESC is now partnering with a powerful online progressional development producer, Educational Impact, to offer online course opportunities for administrators, teachers, and substitute teachers.
Since 1999, Educational Impact has developed 35 ever-changing online programs containing over 350 hours of streaming video. The courses are presented by nationally-known experts in their field (i.e., Victoria Bernhardt, Robert Lyn Canady, Charlotte Danielson, Bob Marzano, Jay McTique, Alan November, Phil Schlechty) and offer practical classroom models.
The categories of courses include:
* Instructional Strategies
* Literacy
* School Leadership
* Data Utilization
* Teaching High Education
* School Wide Improvement
* School Safety
* Student Behavior/Discipline
Program Features
Educational Impact's Online Academy produces programs that offer these powerful features:
* Streaming Video of program presenters, classroom observations, and case studies
* Chat Rooms allowing program participants to have ongoing discussions concerning program content and to share ideas.
* Handouts accompany speaker presentations and can be printed while watching the video segments.
* Bullet Points & Animation Panel: The speaker's key points are highlighted with bullet points and with animations to support the video presentation.
* Ask a Question: Users can pause video segments to post questions to speakers and others.
* Assessment: Each section has a randomly-selected multiple-choice assessment. A user must get 16 of the 20 questions correct in order to pass the assessment.
* Survey Questions: Users are asked polling questions about ongoing initiatives in their schools. Users can then query the survey results to determine best practices.
* Library: Users can query a comprehensive list of additional resources and websites pertaining to program topics.
* Multiple Bandwidth Settings: Users can adjust the video stream based on their internet connection speed.
* Topic Outline Navigator: Users may view the entire video presentation or click and view a single segment at a time.
* Search: Users can enter a keyword to search the transcripts from all 375 hours of program video. Link directly to the video content shown int he search results.
* Help Menues & Ongoing Support: A variety of help menues are available including an online tutorial and 24/7 technical support.
National Organization Partners
Educational Impact partners with many of the country's premier educational organizations to create online programs and content. They include organizations such as:
* National Education Association (NEA)
* National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP)
* Ohio Department of Education (ODE)
* Ohio Association of Elementary School Administrators (OAESA)
Educational Impact's programs are research and standards-based and are approved for Continuing Education Units (CEU/CPDU/PDU). Educational Impact programs can also be taken for graduate credit through university partners. The programs and content in Educational Impact's online academy align with ISSLIC and ISTE standards as well as No Child Left Behind legislation. They may also comply with OIP district initiatives.
Courses are $60.00 each. Upon receipt of FULL payment and registration form, a Username and Password will be sent electronically within 5 business days.
CEUs and Graduate Credit
Courses are available for CEUs or graduate credit. Graduate credit will be awarded by Tri-County in conjunction with Ashland University. There is a required 15 credit hour minimum, and courses may be grouped together to satisfy this requirement. After going through the course(s) and successfully completing 16 out of 20 on the assessments, you will need to bring the printed assessment results to Bobbie Singleton at the Tri-County ESC to secure your graduate credit. The graduate credit cost is $175 per credit hour.
Upon completion of a course(s), participants will need to bring a copy of their assessment results to Tri-County in order to receive a certificate showing CEUs or graduate credit.
To take advantage of this great opportunity, please complete the registration form and return with your FULL payment to Jamie Imhoff at the Tri-County ESC. Upon receipt of FULL payment and registration form, a Username and Password will be sent electronically within 5 business days.
Bobbie Singleton, Director of Curriculum & Instruction
(330) 345-6771 Ext. 275
Jamie Imhoff, Administrative Assistant
(330) 345-6771 Ext. 243
Customer Comments / Feedback:
"The courses were enjoyable and easy to access. What actually drew me in was the amount of courses related to intervention, behavior, school safety, etc. Finding coursework relevant to my particular field is sometimes difficult, so the variety of courses was a huge plus!"
(Jennifer Maynard, Plain Local Schools - New Albany, Ohio)
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