The goal of Embracing Our Differences Ohio is to create awareness and promote the value of diversity, the benefits of inclusion and the significance of active rejection of hatred and prejudice. Children need to understand how diversity enriches their lives and how tolerance promotes a peaceful world and enhances their own freedom. By understanding their differences better, children will see countless opportunities in their lives to celebrate diversity.
The goal of this resource guide is to provide Tri-County ESC area teachers with a variety of lesson plans and literature resources for teaching diversity and tolerance. The guide addresses the following forms/types of diversity: racial, gender, socio-economic, ethnic/cultural, religious, political, age, disabilities, physical attributes and environmental racism. Teachers are encouraged to use, adapt or modify lessons to address their specific classroom needs and goals. Both the lesson plans and the literature resources are grouped into three categories: elementary (grades K-4), middle school (grades 5-8) and high school (grades 9-12). Many lessons or resources in one grade-level band could easily be altered or expanded to other grade levels. Thus teachers are encouraged to explore all grade-level segments. This guide is designed to serve as a beginning point for teachers wanting to teach diversity and tolerance. Within many of the lessons are websites that offer countless other opportunities for classroom lessons and activities. The Embracing Our Differences Committee researched sites and literature resources for over a month. Within the guide are their recommendations that they judged to be excellent examples of quality lessons and books for teaching tolerance and diversity.
"Like snowflakes gently falling on a mountaintop, we are each alike, but also unique. Together we create a beautiful landscape for all to enjoy." Robin Dugan Wood, grade 5
Complete Resource Guide for Teachers
Instructional Resources
Development Team:
2010 Embracing Our Difference Ohio Teachers' Committee:
1. Phil Fechuch 5. Rachel Miller
Black River Local Schools East Holmes Local Schools
Black River High School Mt. Hope Elementary School
2. Barb Kalie 6. Dawn Blattel
Orrville City Schools Wooster City Schools
Maple Elementary School and North Elementary School Edgewood Middle School
3. Catherine Lynch 7. Becky McMichael
West Holmes Local Schools Wooster City Schools
Millersburg Elementary School Parkview Elementary School
4. Tricia Thorley 8. Susan Polly
Wooster City Schools Black River Local Schools
Wooster High School Black River Elementary School
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