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Directions to Tri-County ESC

Tri-County Educational Service Center's Winkler Drive office is located in Wooster, Ohio.

Wooster is easily accessible by OH 83 from the north and south, U.S. 30 from the east and west, as well as U.S. 250, OH 3, and OH 585.

The Winkler office is located just off of OH 83 and OH 3 on the city's north side.

From OH 83/3 North, take the Wooster (Cleveland RD) exit, making a left onto Cleveland RD. Make a right onto Winkler Drive at the first traffic light. 741 Winkler Drive is located behind BP Fuel Station and across from Arby's Restaurant.

From OH 83 South, take the Wooster (Cleveland RD) exit, making a right onto Cleveland RD. Make a right onto Winkler Drive at the first traffic light. 741 Winkler Drive is located behind BP Fuel Station and across from Arby's Restaurant.

From OH 3 South, continue straight ahead onto Cleveland Road in Wooster (past where OH 3 turns left to combine with OH 83 South). Make a right onto Winkler Drive at the first traffic light. 741 Winkler Drive is located behind BP Fuel Station and across from Arby's Restaurant.

Map of 741 Winkler DR, Wooster, OH, 44691

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