As educators we recognize the importance of alternative or supplemental actions designed to remediate, reinforce, or support learning. Instruction is based on the courses of study, and intervention will be provided at the classroom level.
Teachers will identify the need for intervention, design instructional activities, and implement appropriate action. Intervention can take place during a lesson, after a lesson, at the end of a unit, or after an assessment. Instruction alternatives that may be used include:
1. Use of skill grouping
2. Modification of material
3. Adjustment of instruction to learning styles
4. Personalization of instruction
5. Use of corrective instruction
6. Use of self-instruction packages
7. Use of learning contracts
8. Use of diagnostic/prescriptive teaching
9. Conduct student conferences
10. Provide time in resource room
11. Develop instructional plan with student
12. Provide independent activities coded to specific objectives
13. Provide skill practice
14. Use interclass grouping
15. Provide tutoring:
a. Peer tutoring
b. Volunteer tutoring
c. Parent tutoring
d. Cross-age tutoring
e. Cross-grade tutoring
16. Remedial instruction
17. Use outside resource personnel
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