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Resources - Instruction Methods



This section is to suggest a variety of teaching methods to ensure that the content outlined in this course of study is taught to the students in a differentiated format to address the learning needs of all students.

Suggested Instructional Methods:

A.   Demonstrations
B.   Students investigations – teacher directed activity
C.   Lecture
D.   Field trips
E.   Guest speakers
F.   Simulations
G.   Transparencies
H.   Audio-Visual materials
      1.  Films
      2.  C-D ROMS
      3.  Videos/DVD
      4.  On-line resources
      5.  Software packages
I.   Learning centers
J.   Oral/written reports
K.   Resource books
L.   Surveys
M.   Smart Board
N.   LCD projector
O.   Elmo (camera)
P.   Digital camera
Q.   Scanners
R.   Class Discussions
S.   Collections
T.   Role-playing
U.   Bulletin boards
V.   Displays
W.  Computers/calculators

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