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VLA Summer School 2014

Welcome to the VLA Summer School page!  We are glad you have come.

The Tri-County ESC Summer School focus is largely credit recovery in nature but can also include those students needing to get ahead or make room in their schedules. 

The start date for Summer School can vary by individual; however, the deadline for registering for Summer School is Friday, June 13, 2014.  Summer School will end (with all coursework being completed) on Friday, August 8, 2014.

Students are required to complete all lessons assigned.  Students will not receive full credit for completing less than the required number of lessons.  The exceptions to this are:

  • Students with a current IEP that requires a curriculum modification
  • Student taking a course for Credit Recovery.

Students are required to attend one orientation session in preparation for Summer School.  Orientation sessions will be located at the Tri-County ESC, 741 Winkler Dr., Wooster, OH  44691 

Orientation Dates
June 9 at 3:00 p.m. OR June 13 at 3:00 p.m.

Upon completion of Summer School on August 8, transcripts will be completed and emailed to the appropriate HS Guidance Office for credit.

Click here for the 2014 Summer School Packet , which includes a list of course options as well as the application form.  Forms may also be obtained through your High School Guidance Office.

Please note:  The Summer School application must be filled out in its entirety; signed by parent, student, and guidance counselor OR principal; and returned to the Tri-County ESC with payment prior to June 13 to be included in this year's Summer School program.  


Questions or concerns should be directed to:

Judy Kestner, Director
(330) 345-6771 Ext. 265

Jamie Imhoff, Administrative Assistant
(330) 345-6771 Ext. 243


We look forward to serving you! 




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